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Misteri Cinta di Tatapan Mata

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | 12:45 AM

Misteri Cinta di Tatapan Mata Sebagian besar pria menganggap pikiran wanita adalah misteri yang tak terpecahkan, terutama dalam hal perasaan cinta. Permainan menebak-nebak perasaan pun akhirnya dilakukan. Padahal sebenarnya, perasaan wanita sangat tergambar melalui pergerakan mata dan tatapannya.

Tak percaya? Lihat saja hasil analisis Ali Campbell penulis buku "More than Just Sex". Ia mencari tahu bagaimana dan kapan wanita akan tertarik pada seorang pria, dan seberapa besar peluang seorang pria dalam hal mendapatkan cintanya hanya dengan melihat tatapan mata.

Apa yang terjadi pada 45 detik setelah saling menatap, pria bisa langsung mengetahui apakah wanita incarannya juga tertarik atau tidak tertarik. Campbell mengungkap, saat seorang wanita menatap seorang pria, lalu mengalihkan matanya ke arah bawah dan gerakan matanya seperti menyapu lantai, hampir pasti ada ketertarikan.

"Sekilas, ini berarti wanita sedang memeriksa emosi internalnya. Dia sudah tahu kalau dia menyukai pria yang dilihatnya, tapi belum tahu seberapa besar rasa suka tersebut," kata Campbell, seperti dikutip dari MailOnline.

Gerakan mata dan tatapan ini, bisa dijadikan petunjuk efektif bagi pria saat ingin mendekati wanita. Lalu, jika seorang wanita berpaling sampai 45 detik dan kemudian menatap mata pria secara langsung di bagian mata, itu merupakan tanda pasti bahwa dia tertarik. Tatapan langsungnya menunjukkan kalau ia sedang berpikir keras tentang apakah pria yang dilihatnya bisa jadi pasangan yang cocok atau tidak.

"Sebagian besar pria beranggapan, saat mereka melakukan kontak mata dengan wanita lalu matanya berpaling, tandanya si wanita tak tertarik. Padahal itulah yang terjadi juga pada pria, ketika sedang mempertimbangkan perasaan," kata ujar Campbell.

Lalu, bagaimana tatapan mata wanita saat tak tertarik? Yaitu, setelah ditatap seorang pria, mata wanita secara cepat melihat ke arah atas kepala atau menatap arah belakang sang pria. Saat mendapat reaksi ini, sebaiknya pria mundur teratur, karena menurut Campbell merupakan pertanda buruk.
12:45 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 16, 2012 | 5:42 AM

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia Minimarket Alfamart yang berdiri sejak tahun 1994 oleh PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk ini yang sekarang sudah memiliki banyak member dan merupakan member terbesar di Minimarket Indonesia. Pertumbuhan  Alfamart di Indonesia sangatlah pesat bak "jamur di musim hujan", terbukti dengan berdirinya cabang-cabang Alfamart yang tidak hanya di kota-kota besar tapi sampai ke pelosok-pelosok kecamatan di seluruh negeri Indonesia.

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia merupakan promosi Yang dilakukan Oleh Minimarket Lokal Terbesar dan Minimarket Pertama Terbaik Indonesia guna untuk menarik Simpati dan Perhatian lebih dari masyarakat untuk menjadi Member Alfamart dan khususnya pecinta Informasi internet dengan menyelenggarakan Promo Indonesia Kontes SEO Alfamart 2012.

Bagi anda yang suka berbelanja tentunya tidak asing lagi dengan minimarket yang satu ini. Sebagai Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart memberikan banyak inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo khusus untuk member-membernya baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan oleh Alfamart sebagai Minimarket pertama yang mempunyai member terbanyak di Indonesia. Ketika mendengar kata "promo" pasti semua orang tertarik, karena pada setiap kegiatan promo pasti akan ada diskon, hadiah atau sesuatu yang menguntungkan lainnya. Dan kabar gembiranya, Alfamart sebagai minimarket besar Indonesia sedang mengadakan penawaran yang menarik, yaitu Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan Alfamart untuk para calon member dan juga member Alfamart.

Alfamart Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart Memberikan Motivasi dan Inspirasi serta Inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo Indonesia khusus untuk Member Alfamart baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart Minimarket atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart Minimarket untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

Member Alfamart Adalah sebutan untuk para pelanggan setia Alfamart.Para member Alfamart akan mendapatkan berbagai macam keuntungan dan kejutan special dari Alfamart seperti: HematKu, Kalender Belanja, Specialku dan Hadiahku,serta program ekslusif lainnya. Member Alfamart adalah pelanggan yang memiliki dan bergabung dalam keanggotaan Kartu AKU, A Card Flazz atau Kartu AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

KARTU AKU Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

    Kartu Aku

Adalah kartu member yang pertama kali diluncurkan Alfamart pada tahun 2005. Dengan Kartu AKU, Member akan dapat memperoleh manfaat dan berbagai macam keuntungan serta Promo Indonesia menarik yang tidak dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan lain yang bukan merupakan member Kartu AKU. Kartu AKU berlaku Nasional di Alfamart seluruhIndonesia.

A CARD FINAL Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    A Card Flazz

Adalah Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 15 Mei 2010 bekerja sama dengan Flazz BCA, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran/transaksi karena A Card Flazz merupakan Kartu Prepaid (kartu non rekening yang dapat menyimpan uang untuk keperluan berbagai transaksi).

A Card Flazz dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran tidak hanya diseluruh outlet Alfamart, Alfamidi ataupun Alfaexpress tetapi juga diseluruh merchant Flazz antara lain restoran, salon, toko buku, parkir, bioskop dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk sementara ini, A Card Flazz berlaku di Jabodetabek,Surabaya

KARTU AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    Kartu Aku BNI

Merupakan salah satu Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 1 Januari 2010, merupakan kerjasama antara Alfamart dengan Bank BNI. Kartu AKU BNI merupakan kartu multifungsional, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member, juga berfungsi sebagai alat pembayaran. Pengguna Kartu AKU BNI juga akan mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan dan kejutan spesial dari Alfamart serta tentunya dapat mengikuti program-program eksklusif khusus member di Alfamart. Untuk saat ini, Kartu AKU BNI berlaku di Alfamart Jabodetabek.
8 Keuntungan Member Alfamart

   1. Hematku dan Kalender Belanja
   2. Spesialku dan Hadiahku
   3. Special Big Program for "Member Alfamart"
   4. Redemption For "Member Alfamart"
   5. Member Alfamart" Thematic Promo
   6. Special Treatment for "Member Alfamart" Birthday
   7. Special Event/Activities For "Member Alfamart"
   8. Merchant For "Member Alfamart"


Demikianlah penjelasan singkat tentang  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan memberikan pengetahuan Lebih kepada masyarakat agar dapat bergabung menjadi Member Alfamart dan pastikan anda mendapakan keuntungan dan manfaat lebih dari Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
5:42 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Cinta Membuat hidup Sehat

Cinta Membuat hidup Sehat  Jatuh cinta kata kebanyakan orang berjuta rasanya. Bahkan sebuah penelitian mengungkap manfaat jatuh cinta dari segi kesehatan.

Seperti dikutip laman Idiva, emosi yang murni dan tulus bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh. Namun perlu diingat, manfaatnya hanya bisa dirasakan jika seseorang berada dalam suatu hubungan yang stabil dan nyaman.

Berikut manfaat kesehatan yang bisa Anda rasakan saat sedang jatuh cinta:

Lebih bahagia
"Berada dalam hubungan yang romantis memungkinkan tubuh Anda  melepaskan lebih banyak hormon bahagia. Hormon ini menimbulkan perasaan lebih bahagia. Anda juga mampu meredam amarah."

"Anda berada dalam suasana hati yang besar dan seluruh orang yang berada di dekat Anda akan merasakan aura positif," kata psikolog asal Mumbai, H'vovi Bhagwagar.

Meningkatkan Kekebalan
Jatuh cinta bisa meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh Anda. "Anda lebih tenang dan selalu berpikir positif. Hal ini mengurangi risiko terserang pilek dan batuk," kata H'vovi. Dan sebaliknya, merasa depresi atau sedih membuat Anda rentan terhadap serangan dari virus pilek dan flu. Hal ini juga berisiko menyebabkan masalah gangguan perut.

Mengurangi  sakit dan nyeri
"Berada dalam hubungan yang stabil, memberikan Anda kenyamanan. Perasaan ini membantu Anda mengatasi rasa sakit," kata dokter Dhwanika Kapadia. Saat sedang jatuh cinta, cenderung pasangan Anda selalu memberi motivasi untuk membantu Anda bisa keluar dari sakit yang Anda rasakan.

Meningkatkan konsentrasi
Pasangan yang penuh kasih dan selalu menunjukkan kepeduliannya memungkinkan Anda lebih bersemangat mengerjakan tugas-tugas saat berada di tempat kerja.

"Pikiran Anda tidak sibuk mengkhawatirkan keluarga atau bagaimana pasangan Anda merasa tentang Anda," kata H'vovi. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaan Anda dan dengan demikian meningkatkan kinerja Anda. "Ketika Anda puas, Anda merasa lebih baik, lebih kreatif juga," kata H'vovi.

Siklus haid lebih teratur
Siklus menstruasi wanita tergantung pada berbagai hal, seperti kesehatan dan gizi. Stres merupakan faktor penting juga. "Wanita dalam hubungan jangka panjang yang stabil cenderung tidak merasa tertekan. Oleh karena itu memiliki perasaan jatuh cinta juga bisa mempengaruhi gejala PMS wanita," kata H'vovi.

Terhindar dari stres
Wanita yang sudah menikah atau mereka yang telah memiliki kekasih, kemungkinan merasa cemas atau memiliki masalah sepele sangat sedikit. Mereka tahu bahwa mereka memiliki pasangan yang saling memahami satu sama lain dan merasa saling memiliki.

"Rasa memiliki menjadi sistem pendukung, membantu Anda menangani masalah dengan mudah," kata Dhwanika. Hal ini membuat stres berkurang dan risiko tekanan darah tinggi juga rendah, termasuk ketegangan dan migren.
3:11 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Bahaya Garam pada Makanan anda

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 4:53 AM

Bahaya Garam pada Makanan anda Makanan yang mengandung garam selama ini hanya identik dengan makanan asin. Padahal cukup banyak makanan yang sebenarnya berasa manis atau gurih yang menyimpan sodium cukup tinggi.

Menurut data Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roti ternyata menjadi sumber sodium paling tinggi dalam pola makan orang Amerika. Kadar garam yang sama juga ditemukan dari keripik kentang dan pretzel.

Sebagai perbandingan, satu iris (slice) roti mengandung 100-200 miligram, tergantung tipe dan merek roti, sedangkan satu ons keripik kentang mengandung sekitar 120 mg atau lebih sodium.

Sumber sodium lain yang banyak ditemukan pada pola konsumsi orang Amerika antara lain daging olahan, pizza, daging unggas, burger siap saji, sandwich, keju, dan hidangan pasta.

"Roti sebenarnya tidak lebih asin dari makanan lainnya, tapi dikonsumsi cukup sering. Selain itu roti juga menjadi sumber kalori karena dikonsumsi dalam jumlah banyak," kata Mary Cogsweell, dari CDC.

Sementara itu kandungan natrium cukup tinggi yang sering dikonsumsi dalam makanan kita sehari-hari antara lain mi ayam, sosis, mi bakso, mi instan, sop buntut, bahkan donat pun mengandung sodium cukup tinggi. Saus, acar, dan makanan kaleng juga mengandung garam yang tinggi.

Sodium atau natrium berperan penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh. Selain itu ia juga berfungsi menghantar impuls saraf yang memengaruhi kontraksi dan relaksasi otot.

Jika terlalu banyak natrium dalam darah, volume darah akan meningkat karena natrium menarik dan mengikat air. Akibatnya jantung harus memompa lebih keras untuk mengalirkan darah yang meningkat itu sehingga tekanan pada arteri meningkat.

Terlalu banyak mengonsumsi sodium diketahui akan meningkatkan risiko stroke, gagal jantung, osteoporosis, kanker usus, dan penyakit ginjal.
4:53 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Subway not NEARLY as healthy as everyone assumes

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 1:33 AM

In fact, Subway is off the charts unhealthy.  Subway always makes a stink about how good their sandwiches are for you, mainly about how little fat there is.  Now when one looks closer at what exactly Subway is counting in their nutritional facts there is a lot more to the story than ‘under 6 grams of fat’.  This only applies for sandwiches that are 6 inches in length and strictly include: wheat bread, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, green peppers and olives.  What happens when you add sauce, or mayo, or cheese?  The once healthy Subway’s nutritional values start to climb rather quickly.  One also has to remember that when comparing from food chain to food chain that most other fast food includes all their toppings in nutritional facts.

“While you might not have cheese, your sub is going to be really dry with just the ingredients they’re counting. And whatever you add to change that (sauce, mayo, oil) is going to be where a bunch more fat and calories come from! So I took a look at Burger King and McDonalds just to see, and surprise! When you select a sandwich, they give you the nutrition for everything in it. And the sandwiches with cheese are listed differently. So you get all the ingredients for a sandwich (including mayo, ketchup, whatever) selected by default, and then you can uncheck whatever ingredients you don’t get. And I’m pretty sure that selecting a healthy option at one of those places will be a lot closer to some of the sandwiches at Subway when you count all the ingredients you actually get. “

So, when comparing a whopper or other sandwiches to Subway (chicken sandwiches are probably a better comparison) you’re really comparing apples to oranges when putting their values side by side. Another dark side to Subway’s ‘healthy food’: the exorbitant amount of sodium found in EVERYTHING.  To begin, our recommended daily intake of sodium is 2400 mg. Now take a closer look at Subway’s master list of sandwich nutritional facts found here.  Let’s skip the 6 inch sandwiches because lets be honest, when’s the last time they filled anybody up?  Their self proclaimed ‘low fat’ sandwiches measure in between sixty to one hundred percent daily sodium! (sans the veggie delight)  You could go to your local ‘greasy spoon diner’ and find better alternatives for keeping one’s arteries from solidifying from so much salt.  Next time when you’re out looking for a healthy alternative to fast food, know that you’ve been duped  all these years and don’t immediately discredit your stereotypical fast food chains as being unhealthy
1:33 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Junk Food's So Tasty, But Where Is It Leading Me?

Junk Food's So Tasty, But Where Is It Leading Me?
Junk food refers to fast foods which are easy to make and easy to consume. They are zero in nutritional value .They have only fats lying in it causing ill effects on the health of the consumer. The taste is the most attractive feature in junk foods. But is there at least little use of junk food to our body and health . Find out the harmful effects of junk food to our body.This article covers

    * Why Junk Food And Diet Is So Appealing?
    * Why Does Junk Food Lead To Adverse Effects?
    * Harmful Effects of Junk Food

Michael Jacobson aptly coins the phrase junk food in 1972 as slang for foods of useless or no nutritional value. Their contents are rich in sodium salts and/or sugar and fats which provide high calories yet useless in value. A quick look at junk food facts tells us junk food and diet does not go hand in hand. Perhaps this is the reason why junk foods are also called as empty calorie foods. Of late, junk food producers claim to have made improvements to nutrition junk food can provide.

Nevertheless, junk foods are popular because of their simplicity to manufacture, consume and of course, their taste. People have their own notions about a certain food being listed as junk. However, chocolates, burgers, pizzas, potato wafers and fries will surely find their way into everyone's list.
Why Junk Food And Diet Is So Appealing?
The Time Factor:
Junk food addiction is so high because of its simplicity. They are easy to prepare and are very tasty. Junk foods such as potato wafers and Cheetos® do not even need cooking or heating. You prefer to eat them when you watch TV. You save yourself a lot of hassles and time when you are in a hurry eating pizzas and burgers as they are served at your door step hot and ready to eat.
The Taste Factor:
If time constraint is one reason that pushes you to eating junk food, great taste also, to an extent influences you to opt for junk food. But junk foods get their taste owing to lavish usage of oils, salts and/or sugar. Once you are caught in junk food addiction, you find it hard to think about the loss of nutrition junk food pushes you into.
Junk Food Advertising:
In this internet age, when there are some good fitness sites like, we also have other sites that promote fat-packed foods and sell them like hot cakes.Foods prepared out side the home and restaurant foods have a great attraction for food buffs. One estimate tells us Fritto Lays is selling a billion bags of Cheetos® per year. It is an altogether different story that junk food advertising has a major role in this.
Why Does Junk Food Lead To Adverse Effects?
If ingredients make junk foods appealing, it is the same reason that makes them health hazardous too. The fat contents, barring a few manufacturers, have high cholesterol levels. Secondly, the sugar and sodium salts have their effects on health. High calorie content with sugar can lead to obesity. Cholesterol and salt are known to setoff blood pressure, stroke and heart diseases in a chain. Excessive salts can affect functioning of kidneys too.

Continue to: Harmful Effects of Junk Food
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1:32 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Junk Food Sources of Depression

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Monday, March 14, 2011 | 7:34 AM

The British Journal of Psychiatry announced, fast food or junk food contributes greatly to making us more quickly to stress even depression, compared to healthy eating.

The conclusion was obtained after observing the pattern of consumption of 3486 thousand people who average 55 years old. Respondents consisted of men and women, were asked to fill out a questionnaire on how much food they consume each day. Not only that, they were also asked to mention how many times a day to eat packaged foods. The range of measures provided for food packaging is not never to 6 times a day.

From the data collected, then divided into several identification. First is the identification of patterns of consumption of processed foods properly. Reject the measuring, how many times a day respondents consumed vegetables, fruits, and fish. Second is the food processing process is unhealthy and generally defined as food packaging. For these foods have high levels characteristic is sugar, fat, and high calories. These types of foods most frequently included in the characteristics that are food-fried fast food.

Over the past 5 years, all respondents were observed by answering a questionnaire while the show symptoms of depression observed that compared with the population in general.

As a result, those who eat healthy foods is very small kencenderungannya to experience depression. While packaged foods are high levels of sugar and fat, our bodies become weaker. "This study is very comprehensive because we do it on a large respondent socio-demographic factors are broad," Tasnime Akbaraly, PhD., Head of research at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research explains.

Arkbaraly also explained that all the respondents observed the factors that influence health status, ranging from smoking habits, physical activity intensity, until the body mass index. "It turned out that these factors do not necessarily affect the appearance of symptoms of depression. This differs significantly with the choice of foods they eat. "

That's why, at the end of his research conclusions, Arkbaraly suggested that we reduce the consumption of packaged foods, foods high value of fat and sugar. "Better to multiply the fruits, vegetables, and fish, because these foods do not trigger the occurrence of depression in the respondents that we observe." (Preventiononline / Priska Siagian)
7:34 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Strategy Overcome Addiction "Junk Food"

You can not stop myself from picking one by one, until all presented runs out? You may have entered the category of addictive eating unhealthy foods. Do not worry, you can stop it. Here's how:

1. Breakfast with the correct
Start the day with a healthy breakfast, such as fruit juice, low-fat milk, yogurt, high fiber cereal, and fruit. People who diet high fiber foods digest slowly. As a result, hunger was delayed and the desire for fatty foods mengasup also reduced.

2. Cut the portion and size
Do not even try to abstain from unhealthy foods as a result you even more tempted to mencomotnya. If you want, buy it in small portions and then divide it by fellow next to you.

3. Choose quality
Is like you like chocolate, choose a high-quality chocolate is certainly expensive. Because it is expensive, so you do not often buy.

4. Start exercise
Sports will be pumping endorphins, the natural morphine in the body, to circulate throughout the body. With exercise, you would have a little time to eat. To reduce the desire to eat chocolate or sweet foods after a big meal, try the streets around the house for a moment.

5. Eat regularly
Passing through the meal will cause blood sugar levels so down. As a result, you'll grab anything near your sweet tooth for sugar levels to normal. Keep your sugar levels to remain normal with three meals a day with balanced nutrition and the portion that applies to you. Remember, do not overdo it.

6. Find alternatives
The desire to find fatty foods can be a sign of the body needs fat intake. Should it meet the needs of body fat with healthy fats, like avocado and use a salad dressing of olive oil. Eating yogurt, fresh fruit, sorbet, or low-fat ice cream are also able to meet the body's need for sweet and fatty foods.

7. Consider using supplements
Many people do not realize he was a mineral deficiency of zinc, a substance found in shellfish and beef. Mineral deficiency is what causes the tongue to be losing sensitivity. As a result, we so need more salt and sugar to enjoy food
7:33 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

"Junk Food" Also Make Addiction

Frequency of eating foods that are categorized as junk food turned out to have effects such as addiction to cocaine or nicotine, and lead to excessive eating drive that ended on obesity.

Although research on animal experiments can not be directly applied to humans, a study in mice showed excessive consumption of foods high in calories can lead to addiction in the brain response. Consumption of foods high in calories are also made ​​in laboratory mice eat compulsively.

The researchers also found decreasing levels of dopamine receptors, the hormone in the brain that gives the sensation of feeling good and happy, in obese mice, similar to the response in the brain in humans who are addicted to drugs. This means, the brain responses of people who are addicted to drugs the same as people who like eating junk food.

"Obesity is a form of overeating impulse response. Therefore, therapy in the form of other addictions such as drug addiction, may be able to give a positive effect on junk food junkie," said Paul Kenny, researchers from the United States.

Foods that are generally classified as junk food contains calories, fat, and salt are high, beyond the ones required. Meanwhile, the beverage that accompanies the food contains a high sugar content.
7:32 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Why Eating Junk Food?

To keep us healthy, we should always eat healthy foods and avoid foods that are not much use to the body. What are the reasons many people who eat foods that do not have the nutrients the body needs?

In a meeting with the press, Dien Huey, Managing Director of Heavenly Blush health bar, there are plenty of people who ignored the notice that it is important to eat healthy food. However, he only mentioned three main reasons, namely:

1. Ignorance or did not care that the food he eats is junk food and food can be harmful to health.

2. Already know that the food he eats is junk food, but still edible. Indifference or do not believe that food can cause bad things to the body's health.

3. A lack of healthy food items also affects why are more people who eat junk food every day. "Even for those who already know and care about healthy food, but do not get this kind of food around it, so he would eat junk food because he was hungry," said Dien.

"If the average, in a day, a person would need 2,000 calories. It was a regular activity, but added with a little sporting activity. If female, maybe slightly below. Well, calories in should be balanced with energy expenditure, if not want to happen to weight gain, "he added.

Reached 2,000 calories is not the case difficult. Lots of processed foods out there that have high calories. "It may even be in one drink, daily caloric needs are met. Worse yet, if the drink does not contain the nutrients the body needs, or in other words, 'junk'," said Dien.

When the number of calories exceeds the required limit, then that will happen is overweight, sick, and many other things. Those who wish to eat should be more intelligent in choosing food and more often read in the information content of the nutritional value of instant food wrap, and divide it in a day.

"Yoghurt drinks"
This was conveyed by Deen at the launch of Heavenly Blush Yogurt Drink in stores Heavenly Blush Plaza Indonesia, on Thursday (08/31/2010). Dien convey, from the company's vision is to invite the community to be able to live more healthy and fulfilling themselves with the intake of healthy beneficial to the body with its products. One way is to launch, during this, the company known as the provider of frozen yogurt, but the main concept is the health bar. Slowly, he wanted to introduce its customers to other foods that are beneficial to health, one yoghurt drinks Nutrifood creations with this.

"At least this way, they are still eating junk food with reason number 3 was able to have choices for healthy food," said Dien.

In bottles containing 300 ml of this, available drinks liquid containing non-fat yogurt, fruit pieces (bits of real fruit), juice of fruits native, probiotics for digestive health, prebiotics as food probiotics, 14 vitamins, 11 minerals, sugar, and water. This drink is sold only in stores Heavenly Blush with market Rp 20,000 in three flavors (Strawberry POME, Peach Mango, and Mixed Berries.) Because it is made from fresh food, only lasts for 14 days. Added Dien, its products without preservatives or artificial coloring.
7:29 AM | 0 komentar | Read More
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